The truly online stamp shop.
Shipment always registered: € 5 - No orders under € 50 - Free from € 100
13-09-2024 10:02landen : 82 items : 363482catalogusreferenties : 147919verschillende reeksen : 55453

New discounts : > 250 € = -5% and > 750 € = -10%

How to pay

When you stop shopping, you can choose between several types of online payment. Please click the type of your choice to be transferred to the secure servers to proces payment.

For all types of payment, you will be transferred to Atos/Worldline/Ingenico.

Atos/Worldline/Ingenico is an independent middleman that takes care of the payment transactions and who has been authorized to do so by banks and credit card institutions. The connection to Atos/Worldline/Ingenico is on secure lines to secure servers.

Depending on the choice of payment, Atos/Worldline/Ingenico transfers you to your homebanking system or the Atos network.

When you choose the homebanking system, your payment is processed the way you are accustomed to via the secure servers of your own bank.

For payments with Maestro, the transaction is conducted over the secure servers of the Atos network.

Atos/Worldline/Ingenico will ask you credit card data and will debit the order amount from your credit card. Once they get authorization from the credit card company, they warn you as well as us that the payment (and thus the transaction) was successful. It is important that you wait until you get this confirmation on your screen. This may take a few seconds.

After the payment procedure, you will receive an email with your order details. Except when you used a Yahoo e-mailadress. Yahoo is blocking all our messages.

If you don't receive this email after a few minutes, please check the spam folder of your e-mail client. There is a small chance the system labeled this incoming message as spam. If this is not the case, and you still didn't receive our confirmation email, please alert us of your payment, preferrably with mentioning the telephone number where we can reach you. We will take the necessary steps to figure out if something went wrong.

Please note that We don’t get hold of your credit card details and we are in no position to make unfair use of them.